Fine Project - Fiber Nano Engineering

Tunable optical-fiber-based micro-cavities offer a variety of applications such as for absorption microscopy, sensing, manipulation of solid-state systems, and quantum information processing. The key enabling technological element in these systems are optical fibers that feature a precisely shaped depression in the fiber end facet and are currently not commercially available.


During our work with fiber-based optical microresonators, we realized the enormous power of this technology and its great potential in many research areas and for industrial apllications.

Our team provides years of expertise in micro-cavity and nanophotonic research.

Dr. Manuel Nutz
Dr. Michael Förg


Contact and Collaboration

We are currently in the phase of testing and exploring the capabilities of the technology in close collaborations with research institutions, industy and universities. If you want to discuss about the possibilites for your samples and research, please contact us.

We also offer fiber cavity mirrors for various experiments.

You can reach us by mail or by telephone at +49 89 2180 3937.


We are happy to be supported by the following institutions

LMU Max-Planck-Institut für Quantenoptik EU Commission

Horizon 2020 (Grant agreement number 101034604)